Winter and Early Spring Management Items December - January
December – January
Disease |
Once bloom occurs, monitor for Botrytis flower blight during cool wet periods. If present, spray suggested fungicides in rotation. Applications of fungicides prior to a forecasted need for overhead irrigation as freeze protection can help reduce Botrytis severity on plants damaged by low temperature injury. See UF EDIS Publication PP198, Botrytis Blossom Blight of Southern Highbush Blueberry ( Anthracnose (ripe rot) infections can begin as early as bloom; consider preventative fungicide applications, and use the Blueberry Advisory System for notifications of increased disease development risk ( January - Apply Ridomil to help prevent Phytophthora root rot. See HS1156, 2022 Florida Blueberry Integrated Pest Management Guide (( |
Insect Pests |
Continue to monitor for blueberry gall midge and spray suggested insecticides when adults are observed. If traps are not used, spray before floral and vegetative bud break, with a second spray approximately 7-10 days after the first application, following label directions. See UF EDIS Publication ENY-997, Blueberry Gall Midge on Southern Highbush Blueberry in Florida ( Also scout for scales, southern red mites and flat mites, flower thrips, and blueberry bud mites, and if observed use applicable control measures. See UF EDIS Publications ENY-1006, Mite Pests of Southern Highbush Blueberry in Florida ( and HS1156, 2022 Florida Blueberry Integrated Pest Management Guide (( for detailed suggestions. |
Weeds |
Apply post-emergence herbicide if weeds are at densities that hinder bush growth. See UF EDIS Publication HS90, Weed Management in Blueberry ( |
Hydrogen Cyanamide |
Consider applying hydrogen cyanamide (marketed as Dormex, and BudPro) in deciduous production systems, in particular those with weak or delayed leaf canopy development and heavy fruit loads. However, at higher concentrations it can cause floral bud injury and reductions in yield, especially in some cultivars that are more sensitive to hydrogen cyanamide, including “Jewel,” “Primadonna,” and “Colossus.” Growers should do test applications by cultivar on small sections to determine safe concentrations. In addition, application should be made before 20% of the floral buds are at or past stage 3 (separation of bud scales) and after sufficient chilling has occurred to minimize floral bud damage. See further discussion in UF EDIS publication HS976, Reproductive Growth and Development of Blueberry ( |
Freeze Protection |
Monitor forecasted and actual temperatures and utilize freeze protection strategies as needed. See UF EDIS publication HS968, Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida ( |
Pruning |
Dormant pruning can be performed to maintain appropriate plant structure and size. Removal of approximately 25% of old canes should be done annually beginning when a plant is five to six years old, to promote the growth of new canes. Low branches, weak growth, and damaged wood can also be removed at this time. See UF EDIS publication HS1359, Pruning Southern Highbush Blueberry in Florida ( |
Managed Bees |
Have honey bees (and bumble bees if applicable) delivered; should ideally be placed in the field after 10% bloom but before 20% bloom. On large farms, hives should be distributed throughout the farm to the extent it still allows access to bee providers. Confirm health of colonies upon delivery; at least 8 frames per hive should have adults, and at least 6 frames should have brood in the cells, with good activity into and out of the hives and on the bushes. Consider adding additional honey bee or bumble bee hives if there is a heavy, concentrated bloom across the farm, nearby competing crops or wild plants blooming at the same time, or ongoing poor weather conditions (cold, windy, or overcast). See additional details in EDIS Publication ENY-172, Pollination Best Practices in Southern Highbush Blueberry in Florida ( |
Disease |
Monitor for Botrytis and control as needed. Applications of fungicides prior to a forecasted need for overhead irrigation as freeze protection can help reduce Botrytis severity on plants damaged by low temperature injury. See UF EDIS Publication PP198, Botrytis Blossom Blight of Southern Highbush Blueberry ( Apply suggested fungicides in rotation for control of anthracnose and/or Alternaria fruit rot at petal fall, 10-14 days after petal fall, 20-24 days after petal fall, and prior to harvest. One tool growers may consider in timing spray applications is the Blueberry Advisory System (BAS) at, which indicates when weather conditions are favorable for the development of anthracnose fruit rot. |
Insect Pests |
Continue to monitor for blueberry gall midge and spray suggested insecticides when adults are observed. If traps are not used, spray before floral and vegetative bud break, with a second spray approximately 7-10 days after the first application, following label directions. See UF EDIS Publication ENY-997, Blueberry Gall Midge on Southern Highbush Blueberry in Florida ( Also scout for flower thrips and blueberry bud mites, and if observed use applicable control measures. See UF EDIS Publication HS1156, 2022 Florida Blueberry Integrated Pest Management Guide ( for detailed recommendations. |
Weeds |
Apply post-emergence herbicide if weeds are at densities that hinder bush growth. See UF EDIS Publication HS90, Weed Management in Blueberry ( |
Freeze Protection |
Monitor forecasted and actual temperatures and utilize freeze protection strategies as needed. See UF EDIS publication HS968, Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida ( |
Managed Bees |
Monitor the health of colonies and watch for appropriate levels of bee activity into and out of the hives and on the blueberry bushes. Consider adding additional hives if there is a heavy, concentrated bloom across the farm, competing crops or wild plants nearby blooming at the same time, or ongoing poor weather conditions (cold, windy, or overcast). See additional details in EDIS Publication ENY-172, Pollination Best Practices in Southern Highbush Blueberry in Florida ( |
Disease |
Monitor for Botrytis and control as needed. Applications of fungicides prior to a forecasted need for overhead irrigation as freeze protection can help reduce Botrytis severity on plants damaged by low temperature injury. See UF EDIS Publication PP198, Botrytis Blossom Blight of Southern Highbush Blueberry ( Apply suggested fungicides in rotation for control of anthracnose and/or Alternaria fruit rot at petal fall, 10-14 days after petal fall, 20-24 days after petal fall, and prior to harvest. One tool growers may consider in timing spray applications is the Blueberry Advisory System (BAS) at, which indicates when weather conditions are favorable for the development of anthracnose fruit rot. |
Insect Pests |
Continue to monitor for blueberry gall midge and spray suggested insecticides when adults are observed. See UF EDIS Publication ENY-997, Blueberry Gall Midge on Southern Highbush Blueberry in Florida ( Also scout for flower thrips and blueberry bud mites, and if observed use applicable control measures. See UF EDIS Publication HS1156, 2022 Florida Blueberry Integrated Pest Management Guide ( for detailed recommendations. |
Weeds |
Apply a pre-emergence herbicide for warm season weeds (tank mix with a post-emergence herbicide if weeds are at a density that hinders bush growth). See UF EDIS Publication HS90, Weed Management in Blueberry ( |
Freeze Protection |
Monitor forecasted and actual temperatures and utilize freeze protection strategies as needed. See UF EDIS publication HS968, Protecting Blueberries from Freezes in Florida ( |
Managed Bees |
Bee hives should be kept in the field through the end of bloom for all cultivars. See additional details in EDIS Publication ENY-172, Pollination Best Practices in Southern Highbush Blueberry in Florida ( |