This year is one of transition for the FBGA Board membership. Several old hands who have guided us through challenging years are stepping down to focus on other important obligations with their endorsement of the concept that new board members bring new perspectives and ideas to refresh the board and broaden its inclusion of other growing regions.
The long-serving members stepping down are well-known and respected by many Florida growers. Join me in thanking them for their years of dedication and the valuable time they have freely donated to our industry. Board members leaving service are:
Ryan Atwood, our Immediate Past President
Michael Hill, our Secretary and Past President
Wayne Bass, one of our long-serving Board members
At the 2022 Fall Conference, our FBGA membership voted in five growers as new Board members serving their initial term of three years. I look forward to working with this talented and experienced group of growers who will certainly complement our current Board. Most all of our Florida production regions will be represented, as well as many key marketer groups. I hope this will strengthen the FBGA and our Florida blueberry industry. Newly serving members are:
Cameron Allison of Wild Goose Farms in Umatilla. (With his finance background, Allison has agreed to also serve as Treasurer.)
Jason Carlton of JLC Farms. Jason is a longtime citrus grower and H2A contractor and recently added blueberries at River Valley Farms in Arcadia, a UF breeding trial site.
Marcelo Estrada manages the expanding Peace River Farm in Zolfo Springs.
Jack Green, Jr., Director of Agriculture at Clear Springs and owner of Blue Labor in Polk County.
Shawn Pollard, Sales Manager of Astin Strawberry Exchange and grower at Shawn Pollard Blueberry farm in Zolfo Springs.
If you get a chance, thank them for serving your Florida Blueberry Growers Association.
By now I hope you have added the FBGA Spring Field Day to your calendar. It will be well worth joining your fellow growers on Thursday, March 9, at the UF Citra Research Station. We’ve already lined up a great program with important indoor and in-field presentations on pollination, nutrition, evergreen nutrition research, breeding trials in bloom and fruit, and more.
Until then, stay diligent protecting our Florida crop. Disease, insects, and frost can waste a year of hard work, so don’t let up this winter. I know we’re staying after it, too.
Leonard Park
President, Florida Blueberry Growers Association