Publisher's Interlude: The Pursuit of Knowledge

Field days in agriculture are essentially show-and-tell for adults, and it’s every bit as exciting as it was when I was in school. Don’t get me wrong, the advanced principles, techniques, and subject matter are far from child’s play, but the principles remain the same: Share, learn, and grow

I recently attended the Florida Blueberry Growers Association field day at Jason Carlton's farm in Arcadia, where I was able to see firsthand how the evergreen operation was yielding excellent results among several varieties. I also got to travel to Leonard Park’s Frogmore Fresh farm in Dade City to see new varieties set up for machine harvesting. 

Field days are just one way to educate growers and other agricultural professionals about the latest techniques and advancements. The spirit of collaboration, knowledge, and innovation thrives when we get to experience what others are doing. 

The Florida Blueberry Growers Association, along with the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council and the folks from UF/IFAS, have long extolled the values of field days, and for good reason: The information enhances each and every grower in attendance, who then, in turn, passes along what they just learned to someone else. Are you noticing a pattern? We must never stop learning.

If we can tear ourselves away from our own farms and research, if even just for a day, the payoff will make it worth our while.

Thank you to the FBGA and the folks from UF, who worked to make the Spring 2022 Field Day such a success for all involved. These photos are just a sampling of everything I saw at the Field Day.

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